The Virgili are three young, enthusiast, creative, spontaneous and above all, drink and food-loving  brothers. They’re perfect triangle: Jordi, the older brother, takes care of the elaboration. Alex, one of the twins, leads the business and trade, and Albert is head of marketing and creativity. Together, they intend to stir up the beverage industry creating brands which are different, honest, and over all, fun. Click to know more.


El Bandarra nace en la bodega centenaria Casa Berger fundada en 1878. Después de décadas elaborando vermut a granel para pequeñas bodegas de barrio, en 2014 los hermanos Virgili deciden mejorar este clásico y embotellarlo con una botella pensada para ser reutilizada. Nace así El Bandarra, un vermut canalla que quiere rendir homenaje a la sagrada hora del vermut.

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